is ClickBank?
is our current Download Version affiliate host. They will
automatically place a special 'cookie' on the web browser
of visitors who you direct to us, which will allow you to
get credit for any future sales even if they don't purchase
the collection on the first visit.
also has tutorials for all their members which is helpful
in learning more about their service.
do I get paid?
You will get paid a reward of 75% net sale on every
sale you promote and generate. ClickBank pays all affiliates
twice per month by check (for minimum $25.00).
I track my earnings?
Yes. ClickBank
has a real-time website that you can visit to check your
statistics anytime.
I need to purchase the 'Seriously Fun 3D Shaped Box Collection'
to be an affiliate?
No, you do not have to purchase the collection
first. However, most successful affiliates own a copy of
the collection so that they ensure that they are promoting
a product that they are proud to endorse. (Remember, you
only need to sell 3 to cover the purchase cost and start
making a profit.)